About us
St Martin’s Community Centre was built in the 1980s and officially became a recognised charity in 2002. It is governed by a board of trustees who meet regularly to review, plan activities and monitor the centre’s financial position.
Our Aim
As a charity, it is our aim to support, connect and serve our residents of St Martins Estate and the surrounding areas by providing access to training courses, workshops, classes and community events. We continue to ensure that what we provide is of the highest standard and of great benefit to all who we welcome.
What we do
The centre is widely utilised by the community and neighboring residents in a variety of ways. Our main hall has a stage and accommodates up to 100 people and we also have two meeting rooms for training courses as well as a multi- purpose crèche. We have one fully and one partially equipped kitchen, two storage rooms for equipment and a large garden to the side of the building which is mainly used by our nursery group, after school group as well as being privately hired out for children’s parties.
’I have been to a lot of occasions here- christenings, wakes, nine nights… a great hall and a great and helpful caretaker.’
—Omaree, visitor